Carroll Electric continues to monitor electric grid conditions as the number of energy alerts issued by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) increases.

For more information on this topic, please visit the Cooperative's Bulk Power System webpage.


Current Grid Conditions

Southwest Power Pool

Midcontinent Independent System Operator


Historical Grid Conditions


Days Under Alert

The color shading below indicates the Highest Severity Level of Energy Alert declared daily.
(see below graphic for legend)

Over the last 365 Days, 68 Days (19%) were under some form of RTO energy alert. 


Number of Energy Alerts Delcared

(For the most recent 12 months ending February 28, 2025)

The above descriptions are generalizations of actions taken during an electricity supply shortage and do not perfectly represent the energy alerts issued by SPP or MISO. 


How is Carroll Electric impacted?


Keep in mind, Carroll Electric only distributes electricity and does not own or have operational control over any power plants or power generating facilities. Carroll Electric, along with the other sixteen electric distribution cooperatives in Arkansas, are member-owners of Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC).

AECC is a generation and transmission company that supplies wholesale electricity for all seventeen distribution co-ops in Arkansas. AECC also belongs to two different regional transmission organizations (RTOs) — the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO). AECC and its member cooperatives have an obligation to both RTOs to implement emergency load curtailment plans when needed to provide load relief during Bulk Power System energy emergencies and power shortage events.

The RTO power supply for Carroll Electric is illustrated below:


As regional transmission organizations, MISO and SPP are charged with pairing generation supply with the demand for electricity over multiple states and are ultimately responsible for the operational control of the regional electric grid.