Energy Star Partnership

Our partnership with ENERGY STAR began in 2011. Carroll Electric is proud to partner with ENERGY STAR to promote energy efficient products and practices that save money and protect our environment.
ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program to help all of us save money and protect the environment through energy-efficient products and practices. Carroll Electric Cooperative has promoted energy efficiency and energy conservation since the 1970s. We have full-time energy specialists on staff to provide you with free energy advice, perform free energy audits, provide new construction load calculations, and many other energy-related services.
Whether you are looking to replace old appliances, remodel your home, or buy a new house, ENERGY STAR and Carroll Electric can help! More than 60 types of products, including appliances, televisions, computers, heating and cooling equipment, and even new homes can earn the government's ENERGY STAR label.
ENERGY STAR also offers best-practice solutions to make your home more comfortable and reduce your energy costs.
Understand how ENERGY STAR can help you. And...get your kids started on their journey toward a better understanding of how they can save energy and protect the environment!