Bulk Power System
Carroll Electric is genuinely concerned about the Reliability and Affordability effects of Energy Policy on the Bulk Power System (BPS).
What is the Bulk Power System?
The Bulk Power System refers to the interconnected network of electrical generation and transmission infrastructure that is responsible for delivering large amounts of electric power from power plants to retail utilities and consumers. It was designed to ensure the reliable and efficient delivery of electricity across a wide geographic area. The Bulk Power System is operated and managed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) who monitor and control the flow of electricity in order to maintain system stability and meet the demands of consumers.
How is Carroll Electric Impacted?
Carroll Electric is a distribution electric utility and does not own or have operational control over any power plants or power generating facilities. Carroll Electric and the other electric cooperatives in Arkansas purchase their electricity requirements directly from Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC). AECC is a generation and transmission company that supplies wholesale electricity to all seventeen distribution cooperatives located in Arkansas. AECC participates in two regional transmission organizations (RTOs) — the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO).
In short, decisions that impact RTOs and the wholesale electricity markets can also impact electric cooperatives. AECC and its member cooperatives are obligated to MISO and SPP to implement emergency load curtailment plans when determined necessary to provide relief during RTO energy emergencies and power shortage events.
This video briefly explains how these components work together to deliver electricity to consumers precisely when it's needed.
Since these member education efforts began in 2021, Carroll Electric’s member-consumers have overwhelmingly supported common-sense energy goals.
from 12,639 members